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Sunday 27 July 2014

Standard Penetration Test Kit

  • Consists of Drive Weight, 65 kg, fitted with chain.
  • Guide Pipe Assembly, fitted with a driving head on one side having standard "A" drill rod thread & a cap on the second side. Drive weight falls freely through a height of 75mm
  • Tripod stand,6 meter high connected by a tie bolt. Each leg is made of three part for easy transport. Complete with pulleys and stairing arrangements.
  • Tripod stand 5 meter long Each leg is made of two parts. Complete with pulley & stirring arrangement.
  • Pulley Spare.
  • "A" Drill Rod 1 meter long.
  • "A" Drill Rod 1.5 meter long.
  • "A" Drill Rod 3 meter long.
Augur are used to collect disturbed solid samples at reasonable depths for laboratory tests Augurs are available in two types and each in different sizes. Blade Type (Post Hole type) Each Augur outfit consists one each of augur head, one meter long rod, Tee piece and handle. Depths of excavating can be increased by using additional extension rods.

  • Auger Head - 150mm diameter
  • Auger Head - 100mm diameter
  • Auger Head - 75mm diameter
  • Auger Head - 50mm diameter
  • Auger Head - 38mm diameter

1 meter long for 150mm auger.
1 meter long for 100mm/75mm/50mm/38mm 

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